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Sustainable Development: How Women And Youths Can Be Involved?

Sustainable Development has become a ubiquitous development paradigm, a slogan for development cherished by environmental and economic analysts. The world system theory perceives the global economy as an international hierarchy of unequal relations where sustainable development should be emphasized at localized level. This should usher in a transformation of social, economic and environmental relations which guarantees continued resource utilization and accessibility.

What Is Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development is an approach to development which encourages for the use of resources in a way that allow for continued use by other generations (Moheilden 2017). It`s emphasis is on meeting human developmental goals while preserving the ability of natural resources and ecosystems to continue providing inputs for the economy and society over time. Sustainable Development, therefore, aims at achieving robust social progress, environmental equilibrium and economic growth (Zhai and Chang, 2019). Its over arching intention is to guarantee a balance on economic growth, environmental integrity and social well being across board.

Equity and Empowerment

Sustainable Development encompasses facets of equity and empowerment. Focusing on equity and empowerment makes the path to sustainable development one that is systematic and need based. It also encourages the integration of environmental, social and economic concerns in all aspects of development and decision making with an attention to all gender and age groups. Sustainable Development therefore thrives on the commitment to empower people so they can translate the development concepts into action with an outlook for inclusive public participation. People must be aware of and acknowledge the fact that their survival and that of future generations depends on their responsible behavior regarding consumption, distribution and production. Governments of all countries should promote a smart growth through proper land use and alignment with their economies with the nature’s regeneration capacity to all its people.

Women and Youths In Sustainable Development

Women and youths become encroached in sustainable development in so far as there is a need to stream line all developmental policies to incorporate the gender and youth perspective. This is with hindsight to the fact that women and youths have for long had limited access and control over resources. This has largely been because most governments have a lack of sensitivity to and respect for gender and youth roles and responsibilities in various communities. Worldwide, sustainable development is not met among youths and women because they are excluded from critical development tenants such as access to information and decision making practices, instead such avenues have largely been dominated by elderly men.

Sustainable development also entails the involvement of women and youths in political processes. This postulates freedom and encourages their ability to formulate and act upon their choices, rather than their wishes for others. Young people are empowered when they realize that they have or can create choices in life while they are made aware of the implications of these choices. Interestingly, there are lower levels of interests in public affairs among young women which partly explain their low levels of participation. A twenty-five-year-old explains that she is burdened by child rearing and other house hold chores, working for her children is more important than the political affairs of the state. Another respondent says that the male dominance in political spheres is scary for most women as men are of dominance in their community.

Education As A Path To Sustainable Development

Education is a tool for social and economic progress and can thus be viewed as every child`s right. In line with the dictates of sustainable development, the state is mandated to provide free and compulsory education to all children of school going age in such a manner as determined by law. Education by its nature improves the functional and analytical ability for individuals while it works much to open up opportunities for individuals so as to be able to achieve greater success in the labor markets and skills development. It is widely accepted that skills and knowledge are engines for economic growth and social development of any given country.

However, education alone is not enough without the government’s initiative to allow for every person to make independent decisions and allowing for their voices to be heard when they decide. Issues relating to freedom of expression and right to decide their own unique destinies have always been part of the problems faced by women and youths in countries across the globe. By extension this can be pinned down on the access to education factors.

Sustainable Development And The Environment

The only way to ensure for sustainable utilization of natural resources there is need for a robust environmental education. This will serve the purpose of mitigating the dangers on environment posed by other humans and how to utilize nature for future generation. Youths across the continent should be taught on how best to connect with the members of their communities so as to make meaningful contributions mainly through their acquired skills in preservation. Such can be the case of the agriculture business in the Delta where youths and women make use of their skills practicing sustainable livestock rearing and cultivation. There is a sense in which such projects promote social, physical, intellectual and psychological development amongst youths making them responsible citizens cautious about their environment.

Voluntary Associations and Sustainable Development

Voluntary associations are a means to organize people in order to achieve new ends such as raising of capital, provision of extra labor. The same can be adopted in the attainment of sustainable development where women and youth’s participation in voluntary works enriches their societies. Such work will impart skills to them which may be valuable in the labour market thus giving them an opportunity to reduced their dependence on their male counter parts. To achieve gender equality and empower youths and girls, voluntary associations are set to promote active and meaningful participation, contribution and leadership in fighting women and youth’s rights and gender equality related issues. All of these work much towards the attainment of sustainable development.


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